Information about Goloka Solution

Goloka delivers solution, not just products. We offer a total constructive solution approch to each project, integrating products with knowledgr, expertise combined with qulity products and commitment to technology led innovation allows us to provide a customised and dedicated response to customers specific project need. Goloka's extensive product range also enables us to provide innovative solution to complex and demanding stuctural challenges.

Construction Chemical Products

Our products cater to industrial, pre-construction and post-construction induasries. We offer a comlete and comprehensive range of prodducts covering entire segment of needs..

Construction Chemicals

Concrete Curing Compound

1. Goloka – SuperCURE (WB) – wax based concrete curing compound advantages Code - FM- CC-123
  • SUPERCURE-WB is wax based concrete curing compound for fresh concrete, screeds, floors, granolithic toppings and vertical surfaces complies to ASTM-C-309-74

    SUPERCURE - WB is a solution of special pigmented wax emulsion formulated for application to freshly - placed concrete. It dries to form impervious film on the surface. It ensures that the concrete keeps as moist as possible during the vital curing period. Efficient curing is particularly important in exposed situation such as concrete roads and runways etc. where the surfaces are subject to the drying action of heat, direct sunlight or wind.

    Traditional curing methods using wet Hessian, straw, sand or polythene sheeting are never completely efficient as it is possible to exclude air entirely from the face of the concrete. These techniques waste time, labour and materials and in addition are difficult to apply to vertical surface. SUPERCURE - WB curing compound membrane replaces these older methods, by virtue of its easy application, higher efficiency and saving in labour and material costs.

    Where to use - For efficient and positive curing of canal lining, roads, runways, external floors, bridges, column and beams, dams other types of concrete construction where water curing difficult or unreliable.

    Benefits - Give water repellent film, Allows continuous and gradual curing without constant attention, Reduces surface temperature and crack formation, Prevents early water evaporation from concrete, No risk of poor curing, Eliminates use of water curing, hessian or sand, Non-toxic, Non- Flammable, Economical and easy to use, Reflects more ultraviolet rays, Facilitates the production of uniform concrete of maximum strength and durability.

    Technical Data -
    • Form: White Liquid
    • Sp. gravity: 0.98
    • dry film: translucent
    • application temp: min 5°C
    Method of use - SUPERCURE - WB should be applied at the rate of 1 litre to 5.5 m2 of surface area, a single spray-applied coat is sufficient. For horizontal surfaces spray on SUPERCURE - WB as soon as any excess water has dried off. This is usually within 30 minutes of finishing vertical surface should be wetted with water after stripping the shuttering and just prior to the application of RHEOCURE-WB.

    Dosage - Goloka – SuperCURE (WB) has a coverage of 4 to 5 m2/litre.

    Storage Life - SUPERCURE - WB has a shelf life of at least 12 months in unopened drums, protect from direct sunlight. Handling Precaution SUPERCURE - WB is water based non-hazardous, non-toxic. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

    Handling Precaution - SUPERCURE - WB is water based non-hazardous, non-toxic. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
2. Goloka – SuperCURE (RB) – Resin based concrete curing compound advantages Code - FM- CC-124
  • SUPERCURE - RB is highly effective curing compound for concrete. SUPERCURE-RB is a solution of special resin, formulated for application to freshly – placed concrete. SUPERCURE - RB dries to form an elastic impervious film on the surface which ensures that the concrete remains as moist as possible during the vital curing period. The film gradually disintegrates on weathering.

    Traditional curing methods using wet hessian, straw sand or polythene sheeting are never completely efficient as it is impossible to exclude air entirely from the face of the concrete. These techniques waste time, labour and materials and in addition are difficult to apply to vertical surfaces. SUPERCURE - RB membrane curing compound replaces these older methods by virtue of its ease of application, higher efficiency and savings in labour and material costs.

    Where to use - For Efficient and positive curing of, Bridges, dams, airport runways, reservoirs, Roads, external floors, canal linings, Retaining waits, floorings Highways and rendering, Roof decks and shell roofs, Pre stressed beams and piers.

    Benefits - Highly efficient curing, Reduces Supervision labour cost, Curing efficiently more than 90%, Forms an elastic impervious film to retain maximum moisture cement during curing period, Allows gradual and continuous curing without constant attention, Simple one coat spray application, Reduces possibility of shrinkage hairline cracking and crazing, Ready mixed and economical.

    Technical Data -
    • Form: Liquid
    • Colour: Aluminised Silver
    Method of use - SUPERCURE - RB has been designed to spray application to the newly laid concrete once the surface water has disappeared a thin film of SUPERCURE - RB is then applied to the whole surface using a hand operated spay gun or brush application Stir well before use.
    After application the area concerned must be protected from rain for at least 2-3 hours.

    Dosage - SUPERCURE - RB has a coverage of 4 to 5 m2/litre.

    Storage - SUPERCURE - RB has a storage life of minimum 12 months in unopened container in dry condition out of direct sunlight.

    Handling Precaution - SUPERCURE - RB is inflammable and usual precautions against fire and prolonged breathing of solvent vapour bust be deserved. Contact with the skin should be avoided.